Philippines, Day 15: Family Reunion in Baguio City2 min read

It’s 7:02am Thursday morning, and we are headed toward breakfast. I slept better last night, although I had to wake up earlier today than I had to yesterday.

After eating breakfast, we headed toward Baguio. Uncle Job had gotten hold of Uncle Joseph and he had said we could come. We took the Marcos highway and it didn’t take us long to get there.

When we arrived, Uncle Joseph’s wife and his 8-year-old daughter, Josephina, welcomed us in. Uncle Joseph waited inside and by the time I got inside, he was on the couch talking with Uncle Job.

The inside of their house was like a big gift shop. They had bookshelves and display cases stuffed full of Barbies, Hello Kittys, Legos, Coca-Cola memorabilia, Chinese things, and much more. They had statues of Buddha, Jesus, and Mary all over the house. Next to the couch where Uncle Joseph and Uncle Job were sitting, there was incense burning.

Uncle Job talked with Uncle Joseph for awhile while we got a tour of his house. Finally, after we had been there awhile, we went out for lunch. We rode in two separate metered taxis to the SM mall there in Baguio. On the way there, Josephina asked us if we knew what the ozone layer was. She explained how it was a protective layer of the atmosphere that keeps the sun from burning us up.

When we arrived at the ginormous mall, everyone was in the mood for Chinese, so we went to Mann Hann, a restaurant in the mall. We had a good meal and the adults talked a little longer.

After going back to his house, we took some pictures before leaving. Those who hadn’t seen the house yet also had a quick tour. Everybody is hoping that it won’t be long before Uncle Joseph softens his heart towards the whole family.

That evening we went to Urdanetta where we got a hotel to stay in. This one was more like the way a real hotel should be. However, before we got too settled in, Dad and Jennifer and I went to the adjoining Chow King for supper. We were going to go to Jolibee earlier, but for some reason I suggested Chow King. If we had gone to Jolibee, that would have been our third time going to that particular Jolibee. Anyway, we went to Chow King and had supper (which included eggrolls). It was kind of fun because four times the power to the hotel and the restaurant went out.

Afterwards, we took our showers and went to sleep.

Breakfast- Rice, fish, shrimp, patupat, pan de sal, Filipino sausage, egg, squid, Milo Hot chocolate

Lunch- Fried rice, squid, chicken, baked oysters, egg noodle soup, tofu, rice ma-chang, green tea

Supper- Rice chow, shanghai eggrolls, regular double-size halo-halo, Sarsi

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