Easter Costumes: An Expensive Church Tradition

As Easter approaches, I’m trying to figure out what outfit I will wear for that special Sunday.

This is what everyone does, right? It’s part of Easter tradition.

The tradition of wearing special clothing for Easter, often referred to as “Easter clothes,” has historical and cultural roots dating back centuries. While the specific customs and practices associated with Easter attire vary across different cultures and regions, supposedly the tradition originally symbolized renewal, rebirth, and the celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. Read Full Post

“I Told You So!”

Garden Tomb Sign

Isn’t it annoying when you know something to be 100% true, and you share it with someone, and they respond by saying, “I don’t believe you”?

Then, after time and circumstances prove you right, how hard is it to keep yourself from blurting, “I told you so”?

One of my favourite parts of Jesus’ resurrection account is when the angel said, “He is not here; for He is risen, as He said” (Matthew 28:6). Read Full Post

The Catch of a Lifetime: Abandoned

On Sunday morning Pastor Eric preached from Luke 5:1-11. In this Scripture, Jesus preaches to the multitudes from a boat before telling Peter to push out into the deeper water to go fishing.

Having just washed his nets after a fruitless (or should I say, fishless) night of work, Peter replies, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net” (Luke 5:5). Read Full Post