Day 43: Eureka! Treasure Island!

Noe II

Today’s a day I have been anticipating for a long time…Treasure Island! I ate a quick breakfast of egg casserole and coconut bread and packed everything I would need for three days on the island. With the exception of my hammock, I managed to get it all in a small suitcase.

We left Petrolina in late morning and drove back to Sobradinho. Uncle Doug took me, D
Right after passing over the Sobradinho Dam, we turned off the road. There, tucked back in a tiny little canal is Noe II, the boat that would take us across the lake to Treasure Island. Uncle Doug dropped us off there with all our stuff and then drove into Sobradinho to start picking up the campers.anae, Joy Baxter, and Neto, the latter two having been picked up in Petrolina. Aunt Renate took Destiny and picked up Tatiane and Chelsea, a couple other girls who were going to be counselors with us. Read Full Post

Brazil, Day 28: Another Mountain

Palm Trees at Night

This morning was one of my earliest ones so far. Apart from the fact that I was up really early in the morning to take some pictures of the stars and of the seminary at night…well, that’s another story. I got some fun pictures and it was worth getting a little less sleep.

We had to leave the house at 6:30 to walk to the Wilson home for breakfast, so Stephen and I slept in until about 6:24. We quick got ready and joined the girls outside for the 15-minute jaunt to the Wilson’s. Read Full Post

It’s Called a Phone…

So, in Canada when someone picks up a phone, dials a number, and uses the phone to communicate with someone else, the action is referred to as “phoning.” If I needed to contact someone with my phone, I would phone him.

But in the United States, we refer to the same action as “calling.” If I need to contact someone with my phone, I would call him. Read Full Post

2011: The Music, a Musician, and the Maestro


Have you ever thought of time as a piece of music? Perhaps a concerto with millennia as movements, centuries as periods, years as phrases, and weeks as measures?

You and I are each musicians in the largest orchestra ever created, the universe as our hall, the earth as our shell, the angels as our audience, and God as the Maestro. We each have our own responsibility to play our parts correctly, but ultimately it is God who masterfully controls the performance and receives the credit for a piece well-played. Read Full Post

W.I.L.D. 2011: Thursday- Water, Wildlife, and Warmth

Going upriver

Thursday’s Journal Entry:

“Long day today, but probably my favorite so far (with the exception of solo day). We ate breakfast, had devos, packed up camp, and headed out at about 9:00am. We had to cover a lot of ground today so that tomorrow will be shorter. Our goal was to get into camp no later than 3:00pm so we’d have plenty of time at camp to relax. However, Chris took all watches from anyone who had them, and we set out with a destination, a goal, but no way to monitor our progress toward that goal. I liked it and was eager to see how we did. Read Full Post