Is Church Membership for Today?

Marriage today is not biblical.

Well, our modern construct of marriage in Western society is not biblical. I don’t want to speak for other countries and cultures.

To clarify, I’m not talking about homosexual unions and the like. Most Christians don’t need me to discuss the biblicality of those marriages. Read Full Post

Satan Loves Revival

The morning of May 18, 1980, started off like any other for Harry Truman, the 83-year-old owner of the Mount St. Helens Lodge. Truman had lived near the mountain for over 50 years, and he refused to leave his home despite increasing signs of volcanic activity in the weeks leading up to the eruption.

As he sat in his cabin enjoying his morning coffee, Truman noticed that the mountain was emitting an unusual amount of steam and ash. He shrugged it off, confident that the mountain was simply blowing off some steam, and went about his day as usual. Read Full Post

Trusting in Revival Will Lead to Hell

Tent Revival
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Christopher Paquette

I said in a previous post “that I do believe that some people will spend eternity apart from Christ even though a ‘revival’ at some church gave them confidence that just the opposite would happen.”

An unhealthy emphasis on spiritual awakening among unsaved people and a failure to define terms has no doubt led some people to believe that they had a relationship with Jesus Christ because they attended a church service, walked an aisle during an invitation, and prayed a prayer asking Jesus to come into their heart and be their Lord. Read Full Post

A New Child

The image is embedded in my mind…

…the day my bedroom became a birth room.

I’m a visual person, so when I remember things, I see them. If I can’t see it, I probably don’t remember it. The farther back you go in my life, the fewer pictures I still have, but one of them I will never forget- or, I hope I never do. Read Full Post

Preparing the Bride

In the past, I wasn’t the biggest fan of weddings. As a child I went to weddings with my family and a couple times in my “later years” I had the privilege of playing music for the weddings of close family members or friends. But I never was too enthralled with them. I enjoyed the food though, and if I have enough mental capacity to remember any of the specific weddings I attended, I literally can tell you what food or punch almost every one of them served: Chicken enchiladas, pork roast, Famous Dave’s, grape punch with vanilla ice cream- to name a few. Read Full Post