You Might Be Stealing Promises…

Have you ever claimed the truth of this verse in your life?

“I will be found by you, says the LORD, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the LORD, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive” (Jeremiah 29:14). Read Full Post

The True Meaning of 2 Chronicles 7:14 for Christians

On a dark and stormy night in 1938, millions of Americans huddled around their radios, listening to a broadcast that would forever change the way we think about truth and the power of storytelling.

The program was called “The War of the Worlds,” and it was a fictional drama about a Martian invasion of Earth. Read Full Post

2 Chronicles 7:14 Is Not Written to You

I am the oldest of 12 children, and I have 7 brothers.

It has been 7 years since I last lived in my parents’ home, and I now have a family and a house of my own.

As with almost every home with children, bedrooms become messy and need cleaning at my home. It’s not unusual for parents to tell a child to clean his room. Read Full Post

We Don’t Know What to Do!!! – Part 2

Little Kid

I love little kids. They love life. They love to explore what life has to offer.

They also know that there are many things they cannot do or experience on their own, and they are often humble enough and carefree enough to ask for help.

I love it when kids come to me and ask for help or ask for a favour when they know that they are helpless to do something themselves. I love it when my little brothers go up to a man at church and ask him for candy because they know he has a lot and is happy to share. Read Full Post

We Don’t Know What to Do!!! – Part 1

Has there ever been a time in your life when you just didn’t know what to do next? I’m not talking about last week when you woke up with a cough and didn’t know whether you should go to work or school. Nor am I talking about the other day when you ate a huge supper and didn’t know whether or not to have dessert. Read Full Post